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ID: A456316609

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This ITT, entitled “Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) of global products”, is for evaluation and quality assurance (EQC) activities of the CAMS global production systems.
This ITT, entitled “Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) of global products”, is for evaluation and quality assurance (EQC) activities of the CAMS global production systems. The aim of the EQC activities is to provide information on the scientific and operational quality of Real-Time Global Products in the form of EQC reports and on-line evaluation graphics. Additionally, the ITT covers some support for EQC of system upgrades for the Real-Time Global Products and provides information on the scientific quality of reanalysis products produced by the Global Service Provider. The ITT is also for input to the CAMS EQC framework for the Global Products. In summary, the successful Tenderer shall deliver: – EQC reports of CAMS Real-Time Global Products – Evaluation of CAMS Real-Time Global Products through provision of routine monitoring graphics by maintaining (the equivalent of) the CAMS Global EQC Server and the CAMS Global Evaluation Server – EQC reports for upgrades of the CAMS global production system – EQC reports of the CAMS Global reanalysis Products – Improvement of evaluation methodology and contribution to the Copernicus EQC framework. – Exploration and acquisition of new observational datasets for validation of the CAMS Global Products and provision of these observational datasets to the Global Service Provider and other relevant CAMS contracts, including information about the quality control applied to the observation datasets. The ITT targets organisations with considerable experience in the field of atmospheric composition EQC activities and methodology as well as access to the relevant observational datasets


Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung � Standardregelung

1.1 Beschaffer:

Offizielle Bezeichnung: Text freischaltenEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Internationale Organisation
Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Umweltschutz

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Lektion 1
Öffentliche Ausschreibungen
► 2:30 Min
Lektion 2
Nationale Verfahrensarten
► 5:18 Min
Lektion 3
► 4:31 Min
Lektion 4
Lektion 5
Eignung im Vergabeverfahren
► 3:18 Min
Lektion 6
Abgabe von Angeboten
Lektion 7
Finales Quiz