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Provision of a pool of short-term experts for Good Governance in Ghana

ID: A454456162

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he programme Participation, Accountability, and Integrity for a Resilient Democracy (PAIReD) supports public institutions in Ghana in implementing citizen-oriented, trustworthy and accountable governance structures at national and local level. PAIReD works on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in partnership with the Ministry of Finance in Ghana and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The programme cooperates with ministries and national authorities, civil society organisations, as well as 60 districts. In order to achieve this objective, the programme works in the following four result areas: – Increasing the transparency, effectiveness & sustainability of the domestic revenue system – Making the expenditure management more gender-responsive climate-oriented and strategic at national & sub-national level – Strengthen participatory data-based land-use planning by district assemblies – Curbing corruption through joint efforts by state institutions and civil society The result areas are implemented through interventions in five output areas (Output 1 Strengthening Public Finances; Output 2 Strengthening Expenditure Management; Output 3 Data-based Local Planning; Output 4 Strengthening Anti-Corruption and Accountability; Output 5 Strengthening Civil Society in Accountability Processes). Each output area comprises a tailored set of interlinked activities including analytical work; legal and policy advice; organisational development; and capacity development through formal and on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring; as well as peer-to-peer learning. The lead executing agency for the project is the Ghanaian Ministry of Finance (MoF). Other key partners include Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD), Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), Ghana Audit Service (GAS), and Internal Audit Agency (IAA). In addition to state institutions, the project collaborates with civil society and the media in addressing issues related to corruption. The ultimate beneficiaries of the programme are the citizens of Ghana who will benefit from more citizen-oriented, trustworthy and accountable governance. The PAIReD programme is scheduled from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2027.


1Text freischalten01/2024 - 00309782-2024
Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung – Standardregelung

1.1 Beschaffer:

Offizielle Bezeichnung: Text freischaltenDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Von einer zentralen Regierungsbehörde kontrolliertes öffentliches Unternehmen
Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Allgemeine öffentliche Verwaltung

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