Öffentliche Ausschreibung in Bonn

Operational Copernicus Climate Change Water Service

ID: A454286029

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Zeitraum der Ausführung

01.11.2024 für 36 Monate


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Los LOT-0001:
The vision of Lot 1 is to provide a state-of-the-art operational multi-model seasonal hydrological forecasting service at the European and global scale to a wide range of users in the water sector. Lot 1 will develop a flexible framework to bring diverse types of hydrological models together in a consistent way so that outputs can be compared to understand past, current, and future changes in hydrological variables.
Los LOT-0003:
Lot 3 is focused on ‘delivering the last mile’, which involves defining, implementing, and showcasing the data and interfaces developed within the C3S water service to the user community and stakeholders. Lot 3 will utilise the data streams produced in Lot 1 and Lot 2, and will lead, in close collaboration with users, the co-design of the indicators, applications, and use cases to ensure the uptake of C3S water service. Lot 3 has the responsibility to present the C3S water service and all its components in a holistic way. Furthermore, Lot 3 provides feedback to Lot 1 and Lot 2, to ensure all the relevant information is available and correctly presented.
Los LOT-0002:
Lot 2 provides data and information based on multi-model climate projections at global and regional scale, for hydrological modeling. The main objective of Lot 2 is to deliver a multi-model climate forcing framework and a methodology for hydrological climate projections, encompassing all necessary steps, any applicable: selection of multiple climate models, ensembles, scenarios, bias adjustment, downscaling, common grids, standardized formats, and quality control. For the choice of the climate models, it is recommended to follow ECMWF guidance to ensure consistency with the ECMWF strategy and data quality filtering, including for example to be aligned with the models used in the C3S Climate Atlas, wherever possible.


Auftrags- oder Konzessionsbekanntmachung – Standardregelung

1.1 Beschaffer:

Offizielle Bezeichnung: Text freischaltenEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Rechtsform des Erwerbers: Internationale Organisation
Tätigkeit des öffentlichen Auftraggebers: Umweltschutz

2.1 Verfahren:

Titel: C3S2_411 Operational Copernicus Climate Change Water Service.
Beschreibung: ECMWF, as the Entrusted Entity for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), invites tenders for the establishment of a unique operational C3S water service as a core provider of European and global scale climate and hydrological information to assist decision-making for a diverse range of users in the water sector at seasonal and climate timescales. Data will be delivered through the CDS and will offer a user-friendly web interface complete with links to data, applications, and demonstrations. This service covers the provision of three contracts to produce timely, high-quality information for the water sector encompassing historical data, a seasonal forecasting component (Lot 1), a collection of climate projection outlooks (Lot 2) and a user-oriented service and interface (Lot 3). Its design is flexible, ensuring the provision of consistent climate inputs for hydrological modeling (supporting both hydrological science and downstream operations), alongside a suite of pre-computed hydrological variables (from a multi-model composition, with possibility to include AI-based models) and indicators (supporting e.g. policy and decision-makers). Objectives: - To generate a fully operational water service across timescales (historical, seasonal, multi-decadal), expanding on the current C3S offer to reach a wider audience within the water sector; - To strengthen collaboration with CEMS and propose the thorough integration of hydrological models, such as JRC LISFLOOD and ECMWF ECLand, into the C3S Climate Offer; - Simultaneously, any user interested in contributing to the hydrological multi-model information with their own hydrological model, utilising the same post-processed climate forcing data, will have access to all necessary tools to do so downstream of the service. The service evolution will be designed so that any downstream models (including AI-based models) adhering to a defined framework can be added to the multi-model service in the CDS. For each Lot, ECMWF intends to award a single Framework Agreement for a period of 36 months, which shall be implemented via Service Contracts expected to commence in Q4 2024. Tenderers are invited to submit their Tenders for any one of the Lots, a combination of two, or for all three Lots. In cases where a Tenderer opts to submit Tenders for more than one Lot, it is mandatory that each Tender is presented as a separate submission, with its own set of documents, including but not limited to, technical proposals, pricing tables and any required supporting documents. Tenderers must ensure that the submissions for each Lot are independently viable and stand on their own merits. At the same time, Tenderers should indicate what synergies, including cost savings, can be achieved should more than one Lot be awarded to them.
Kennung des Verfahrens: 1fb3864a-8ab4-4843-b103-cb2e61a87b4a
Interne Kennung: C3S2_411
Verfahrensart: Offenes Verfahren

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Lektion 1
Öffentliche Ausschreibungen
► 2:30 Min
Lektion 2
Nationale Verfahrensarten
► 5:18 Min
Lektion 3
► 4:31 Min
Lektion 4
Lektion 5
Eignung im Vergabeverfahren
► 3:18 Min
Lektion 6
Abgabe von Angeboten
Lektion 7
Finales Quiz